Tuesday 1 April 2014


Menstruation is the periodic discharge of blood and mucuse tissues from the uterus and vagina.
Menstruation is the uterus weeping because pregnancy did not occur.It is the monthly shedding of a female's uteral lining It lasts from three days to one week and contains blood and tissue that leaves her body through the cervix and vagina.

Few days before menstruation starts, many women  feel off colour. She  may feel  bloated, tired, irritable or have a headache.All  these may disappears  after menstruation sets in .
Menstrual cramps are common when a woman is experiencing her menstruation. Doctors think  that cramps are caused Prostagladin, a chemical that causes the muscles of the uterus to contract.
Some women crave certain foods while some develop acne.

There are some problems women encounter in relation with menstruation. This include pain, heavy bleeding and irregular periods.
Some women have painful periods. This is called DYSSMENORRHOEA. This can be relieved with over the counter painkillers.
A woman's period may become excessively heavy. This  problem may be aggravated by clots being expelled too which leaves the woman exhausted. If this remains unchanged for a long time, the woman should consult a doctor who will examine her to find out if she has become anaemic, has high blood pressure, has fibroid or a tumour in her ovary.
Irregular periods may be as a result  of emotional upset, pregnancy, excessive exercise or by strict dieting. It could also be as a result of  a tumour of the pituitary gland or because she stopped taking birth control pills. The woman should see a doctor for examination and if necessary a specialist so that they can find out  why she is not menstruating. 

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