Thursday 28 May 2015


* Lowers cholesterol
As most men get older, cholesterol levels begin to move in the wrong direction. The level of the bad cholesterol (low-density-lipoprotein) gradually increase. Levels of good cholesterol called High-density lipoprotein tend to fall. Unfortunately, that combination of high LDL and low HDL is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease. Excess cholesterol accumulates on the inner linning of blood vessels, leading to arthrosclerosis and heart attacks. The single best way to boost good HDL cholesterol is exercise.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Women in Perimenopause continued.

* Dark circles under eyes caused by adrenal exhaustion and thyroid dyfuntion which refuses to go no matter the amount of sleep.
* Increased appetite especially at night  leads to unnecessary weight gain.
* Food cravings for sweet, salty, sour or pungent foods.
* Blood sugar may suddenly crash , and your body start clamouring for food immediately.
* You may loose urine when you cough, sneeze, jump or run. Also the urge to  wee wee increases.
* Declining hormones may lead to increased liver load which is reflected in gall bladder symptoms of pain, spasms and discomfort felt in the right upper abdomen under the  ribs  which may be accompanied by belching, bloating, and intolerance to certain foods.

Friday 22 May 2015

Women in perimenopause.



The peri-menopause  is the stage in a woman’s life when she begins the long journey into the menopause. The menopause is also called the transition or the change of life.

The peri-menopause ,  when the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone begins to decline starts from the age of forty and can last for as short as 5 years or as long as 10 years. Though the menopause is a new phase in a woman’s life and every woman should look forward to it, the perimenopause  however is something else because it comes with a lot of symptoms that  could be both disturbing and  debilitating if not well managed.