Tuesday 26 May 2015

Women in Perimenopause continued.

* Dark circles under eyes caused by adrenal exhaustion and thyroid dyfuntion which refuses to go no matter the amount of sleep.
* Increased appetite especially at night  leads to unnecessary weight gain.
* Food cravings for sweet, salty, sour or pungent foods.
* Blood sugar may suddenly crash , and your body start clamouring for food immediately.
* You may loose urine when you cough, sneeze, jump or run. Also the urge to  wee wee increases.
* Declining hormones may lead to increased liver load which is reflected in gall bladder symptoms of pain, spasms and discomfort felt in the right upper abdomen under the  ribs  which may be accompanied by belching, bloating, and intolerance to certain foods.

* Painful or tender nipples.
* The breasts may become engorged or swollen a few days before the menses but this  is relieved with the onset of  menstrual bleeding.
* With the decrease in progesterone production, the breasts feel like empty sacs devoid of their normal fullness. This is caused by the loss of breast tissues.
* In perimenopause, a woman is no longer fertile as she used to be. This may cause grief to those who had postponed child bearing until now. There is however a possibility of pregnancy occuring in perimenopause.
* Acne which was dealth with in adolescence may reoccur.
* Unusual hair growth around the nipples, between the breasts, and down the back.
* Increase in facial hair especially under the chin, or under the jaw line.
* Hair loss and thinning increases anywhere in the body, including  the head, armpit, and pubic area.
* Joints and muscles become  sore and achy.
*Disturbing weight gain especially because it settles  in the waist, buttocks, and thighs.
* Abdominal bloating which seems to come on especially after eating or all the time, making you feel as if you look pregnant.
* Tinnitus which is characterised by ringing in the ears, a pulsing sensation, a whooshing sound, or a musical , buzzing or fuzzy sensation in the ears.
* Painful sex.
* Loss of sexual energy/ libido. This can happen gradually or suddenly.
* Being accident prone. Bumping into things and getting bruises, and not even remembering how the bruises came about.
* Feeling very cold even in the presence of a hot flush.
* Puffy eyes caused by low progesterone level and not just by lack of sleep.
* Change in body odour. This can quite disturbing as this seems to focus in the groin area.
* Digestion slows down and what previously took four to five hours to digest, now seems to take the whole night.
* Gastrointestinal distress, unrelieved gas pains, indigestion, nausea, all due to hormonal imbalance.
* Increased tendency towards candidiasis even if you had no previous history.
* Declining hormone  level leads to intermittent or alternating  constipation/diarrhea which increases the demand on liver function.
* Irregularities in heart  rate .     You may feel as if your heart is skipping beats.
* Palpitation/ heart racing. This may come on suddenly without any warning or provocation and can be very scary.
* Fluid retention characterised by swelling in the legs and ankles and this   cannot be relieved by urination.
* Teeth aching, strange sensation in the teeth and gums, bleeding gums.
* Dry itchy  eyes.
* Pelvic pain can be at random and is independent of the menstrual circle.
* Muscle tone begins to slack and sag.
* Finger nails break, bend, crack and become softer.
* The hair becomes dry, skin tone changes in texture and may begin to wrinkle.
* The decline in hormone production leads to osteoporosis which is a loss in bone density.
* The low progesterone level may flare up and worsen arthritis.
* The facial pallor may change due to facial flushes.
* Your allergies may worsen as your hormones become imbalanced.
* Electrical sensation under the skin often signals you that a hot flush is on the way.
* Tingling in hands and feet.
* Feeling  faint for no reason.
* Memory loss  which makes one feel less focused and disorientated.
* Change in normal tongue sensation.

* Dark circles under eyes caused by adrenal exhaustion and thyroid dyfuntion which refuses to go no matter the amount of sleep.
* Increased appetite especially at night  leads to unnecessary weight gain.
* Food cravings for sweet, salty, sour or pungent foods.
* Blood sugar may suddenly crash , and your body start clamouring for food immediately.
* You may loose urine when you cough, sneeze, jump or run. Also the urge to  wee wee increases.
* Declining hormones may lead to increased liver load which is reflected in gall bladder symptoms of pain, spasms and discomfort felt in the right upper abdomen under the  ribs  which may be accompanied by belching, bloating, and intolerance to certain foods.
* Painful or tender nipples.
* The breasts may become engorged or swollen a few days before the menses but this  is relieved with the onset of  menstrual bleeding.
* With the decrease in progesterone production, the breasts feel like empty sacs devoid of their normal fullness. This is caused by the loss of breast tissues.
* In perimenopause, a woman is no longer fertile as she used to be. This may cause grief to those who had postponed child bearing until now. There is however a possibility of pregnancy occuring in perimenopause.
* Acne which was dealth with in adolescence may reoccur.
* Unusual hair growth around the nipples, between the breasts, and down the back.
* Increase in facial hair especially under the chin, or under the jaw line.
* Hair loss and thinning increases anywhere in the body, including  the head, armpit, and pubic area.
* Joints and muscles become  sore and achy.
*Disturbing weight gain especially because it settles  in the waist, buttocks, and thighs.
* Abdominal bloating which seems to come on especially after eating or all the time, making you feel as if you look pregnant.
* Tinnitus which is characterised by ringing in the ears, a pulsing sensation, a whooshing sound, or a musical , buzzing or fuzzy sensation in the ears.
* Painful sex.
* Loss of sexual energy/ libido. This can happen gradually or suddenly.
* Being accident prone. Bumping into things and getting bruises, and not even remembering how the bruises came about.
* Feeling very cold even in the presence of a hot flush.
* Puffy eyes caused by low progesterone level and not just by lack of sleep.
* Change in body odour. This can quite disturbing as this seems to focus in the groin area.
* Digestion slows down and what previously took four to five hours to digest, now seems to take the whole night.
* Gastrointestinal distress, unrelieved gas pains, indigestion, nausea, all due to hormonal imbalance.
* Increased tendency towards candidiasis even if you had no previous history.
* Declining hormone  level leads to intermittent or alternating  constipation/diarrhea which increases the demand on liver function.
* Irregularities in heart  rate .     You may feel as if your heart is skipping beats.
* Palpitation/ heart racing. This may come on suddenly without any warning or provocation and can be very scary.
* Fluid retention characterised by swelling in the legs and ankles and this   cannot be relieved by urination.
* Teeth aching, strange sensation in the teeth and gums, bleeding gums.
* Dry itchy  eyes.
* Pelvic pain can be at random and is independent of the menstrual circle.
* Muscle tone begins to slack and sag.
* Finger nails break, bend, crack and become softer.
* The hair becomes dry, skin tone changes in texture and may begin to wrinkle.
* The decline in hormone production leads to osteoporosis which is a loss in bone density.
* The low progesterone level may flare up and worsen arthritis.
* The facial pallor may change due to facial flushes.
* Your allergies may worsen as your hormones become imbalanced.
* Electrical sensation under the skin often signals you that a hot flush is on the way.
* Tingling in hands and feet.
* Feeling  faint for no reason.
* Memory loss  which makes one feel less focused and disorientated.
* Change in normal tongue sensation.

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