Sunday 8 June 2014


Childbirth is described as premature if the baby is delivered  at less than 36 weeks.There are several reasons why a woman may have a premature delivery.The expectant mother may  be suffering from an illness that could affect the baby's  well-being, for example   a worsening of  a pregnancy-induced hypertension.  Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy which is also called  Antepartum haemorrhage   can also cause a woman to be delivered  early of her baby. If a woman has a  multiple  pregnancy, premature birth is more likely than if she had only one baby.
It is also believed that women who have eating disorder are more likely to give birth to a small baby. But for  about 7% of women that give birth prematurely, no  reason can be found .
Premature delivery  occurs often by caesarean section and are more likely among the low  social class,teenage pregnancy, smoking, fetal abnormalities, bleeding  in early pregnancy and bacterial vaginosis.
A woman should suspect  that she may be in  premature  labour if she starts  getting regular painful uterine contractions  which increase in pregnancy. She  may also notice a 'show' or her  membranes may  rupture, leading to a gush of water from her vagina.  If any of these events occurs, she  should  see her doctor immediately.
At the hospital, she will be examined to check the size of the baby and where  it is lying in the uterus. The examination should also show whether her cervix is  showing any opening. Her  general health will be checked, particular attention being paid to her blood pressure. Her abdomen will also be monitored in order to to determine the frequency and strength of the uterine contractions.
If after examination the woman is found to be in true labour, what will be done depends on how much the pregnancy has advanced and if  the membranes have ruptured .If  the pregnancy is less than  35weeks advanced, the doctor may try to suppress labour by giving drugs. Between 35 and 37 weeks of  pregnancy, some doctors use drugs and some wait for nature to decide. The dose of the drug has to be  adjusted so that the side-effects are controlled but the uterus stops contracting. The  side-effects are a pounding heart, a rapid pulse and a flushed feeling.

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