Friday 4 April 2014


Domestic violence is when one partner exercises power and control over the other partner in the relationship in an abusive manner. Domestic violence occurs in all social classes, but it seems  to be more common among the less educated, the unemployed and those who live in poor social conditions. In some cases of domestic violence, the abuse is mild physical abuse such as pushing or slapping.
Domestic violence could be economic, social or emotional. In  this scenario, a partner is intimidated, confined to one place, not allowing the partner  to visit  relatives and friends or when the partner is being threatened.
In physical violence, the abused partner may be kicked,  hit or even choked.
Domestic violence can be sexual. The  abused partner is forced to have sex or to undertake sexual practices which he or her  finds detestable.
A person can be abused emotionally by criticisms, name calling and making  one  have a low self  worth.
When  someone is abused economically, he or she is made to remain financially dependent by withholding his or her access to money, controlling the person's financial resources, not allowing the person to further his or her education or the person is prevented from getting employment.
Domestic violence can happen between a husband and a wife, same sex marriage, or even couples who are still dating.
It is not only  those that are being abused that suffer in cases of domestic violence but also family members, friends, co-workers and all the witnesses to the abuse. Children who grow up in a home where they frequently witnessed domestic violence,  in the long run end up as abusers themselves or  even victims.
A person who  has being abused  should seek help through counsellng, the  doctor or relevant agencies because if action is not taking to stop the  abuse, it may continue and may lead to severe  damage to the person.

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