Sunday 1 February 2015


Stress comes with all of life’s daily hassles, traffic jams, long lines, petty arguments, and other relatively small irritations. Stress also comes with crises and life –changing events, such as illness, marriage problems or divorce, losing a job, getting a new job, or children leaving home.
All these events may force you to adjust whether you are ready to or not. Unless you can regularly release the tension that comes with stress, it can greatly increase your risks of physical and mental illness.

·         Heart rate increases to move blood to the muscles and brain.
·         Breathing rate increases.
·         Digestion slows down.
·         Perspiration increases.
·         Pupils dilate
·         You feel a rush of strength.

Sometimes it is difficult to recognize or admit that stress is affecting your health. If you can learn to watch for its effects and take corrective action quickly, you will be able to cope with your stress. The signs of stress are classic -
·         You may get a headache.
·         Stiff neck
·         Nagging backache
·         Rapid breathing
·         Sweaty palms
·         Stomach upset
·         You may become irritable and intolerant of even minor disturbances.
·         You may lose your temper more often and yell at your family for no good reason.
·         Your pulse rate may increase and you may feel jumpy or exhausted all the time.
·         You may find it hard to concentrate.
When these symptoms appear, recognize them as signs of stress and find a way to deal with them. Just knowing why you are feeling the way you are may be the first step in coping with the problem.
It is your attitude toward stress, not the stress itself that affects your health the most.

Some people try to relieve stress by smoking, drinking, overeating, or taking pills. There is a better way. Avoid the dangerous side effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs by learning to control your stress level. You can do this by using your body to soothe your mind and using your mind to soothe your body .Stress and tension affect our emotion and feelings. By expressing those feelings to others, we are able to better understand and cope with them. Talking about a problem with a spouse or a good friend is a valuable way to reduce tension and stress.
Crying can also relieve tension. It is part of our emotional healing process. Expressing yourself through writing, crafts or art may also be a good tension reliever.
Exercise is a natural response to stress. It is the normal reaction to the flight-or-flight urge. Walking briskly will take advantage of the rapid pulse and tensed muscles caused by stress and release your pent-up energy. After a long walk, your stress level is usually lower and more   manageable.

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